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ENG 217: Shakespeare: Home

Library Research Guide for the online Shakespeare class at East Central College

The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Credit: Shakespeare, William. 1864,

Credit: CrashCourse Theater


Overview of Shakespeare's Tragedies

Credit: CrashCourse Theater

Overview of Shakespeare's Comedies & Romances

Credit: CrashCourse Theater

Iambic Pentameter

Credit: TED-Ed

Does Shakespeare Still Matter?

Credit: The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Renaissance England

Credit: Elizabeth I. 1588,

Credit: Cunk on Earth, Netflix

Credit: CrashCourse

The Globe & Open Air Theaters

Credit: Folger Shakespeare Library

Shakespeare Unlimited Podcast: Episode 87 - Sights, Sounds, and Smells of Elizabethan Theater

Open Air Theaters, Renaissance Culture, and Shakespeare

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Books & Movies

Download the Libby by Overdrive app to your smartphone or tablet to get instant access to FREE eBooks and audiobooks of Shakespeare's plays. In addition to Shakespeare, you can find Leisure Reading, Young Adult, and Non-Fiction/Fiction Bestsellers. To access Overdrive on your computer/laptop, click here: Overdrive eBooks and Audiobooks

Research Basics

For help with beginning the research process for a project or paper, click on THIS LINK to take you to our Research Basics LibGuide that will walk you through the research process!

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