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SOC 101: General Sociology: Databases for Research

This guide will help you find resources for General Sociology courses as a student at East Central College. An introductory course in the field of sociology with special emphasis on the scientific study of social relations, social organizations.

Choose Scholarly option

  Choose Scholarly option in EBSCOhost databases

Off Campus Login

YES! You can access all of ECC Library's databases from home.

When you select a specific database (through the Library website) it will prompt you to enter your MyECC credentials.


If you need assistance please call 636 584-6560

Search strategies

The Library can help you improve your searching to find your resources.


  • Use keywords and link using "and", do not search by phrase.
  • Use Library of Congress subject headings.  Ask a Librarian for assistance as this is a specific language that can quickly narrow down your results.

Articles and Scholarly Journals

  • Use Boolean searching, "and" "or" "not" to narrow down your results.
  • Use subject headings to find results that are the focus of your topic, not just a keyword.


  • Google scholar for research materials


  • EBSCO Images
  • Flickr - watch for copyright


  • Can be difficult to find current information, use credible resources of .gov sites or articles 

Databases for Research



Database search tips

Keyword Index

Use Boolean operaters to combine keywords.

   AND - combines two or more words and the results will contain all the words

   OR - broadens the search to include either keyword in the results; great for synonyms

   NOT - narrows the search by excluding a keyword

Title Index

   Enter a title, but exclude starting "The" "An" or "A"

Author Index

   Last name, First name

Library of Congress Subject Headings Index

   The subject of the book is about  x, y, z.

   A special language used in library catalogs and research databases, it can narrow the results better than keyword

   Review the abstract or summary of the article for "Subject Terms"  These are clickable and will generate a new search with the focus of the article on THAT subject.  You can combined more than one subject in the Advanced Search Option.


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