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Affordable and Open Educational Resources (A&OER) - Students: Fall 2024 Courses

ECC Course with Free or Reduced Textbooks

These Fall 2024 sections of courses at East Central College are requiring textbook(s) that are affordable and/or open.  It may be an electronic online only option or be a printed copy of less than $50.00.  Please pay special attention to the course section as not all sections require the same materials at this time.  Your course may also require texts, lab manual, etc that must be purchased in print.  These will also be included on this page and current price can be check at  ECC Bookstore website, there may be a used copy is available for purchase.

Contact your course instructor if you have any questions about the textbook.  You will find their contact information in online course page. 
Check with ECC Library for a printed version of your textbook on Instructor's Course Reserve.  Many A&OERs are available for 2 hour check out. 

ANT 110 - ALL sections - Intro to Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology - ANT 110 - ALL SECTIONS

Instructor - Sims, Lecia

REQUIRED -  Please login to ECC's Online Learning (Canvas) and the course to find Open Educational Resources.

ART 101 - ALL - Art Appreciation

Art Appreciation  - ART 101 - ALL

Instructor - varies


  1. Introduction to Art: Design, Context, and Meaning by Pamela Sachant, online FREE or print,  purchase at ECC Bookstore

BIO101 -ALL sections - Intro Life Science

Intro Life Science Bio101 - All sections

Instructor - varies


  1. Concepts of Biology by Samantha Fowler; Rebecca Roush; James Wise, online FREE or print, purchase at ECC Bookstore


CIS 110 - ALL SECTIONS - Technical and Digital Literacy

Technical and Digital Literacy - CIS 110 - ALL SECTIONS

Instructor - varies

REQUIRED - A variety of current, online and free links are used in place of a traditional textbook.  Please login to ECC's Online Learning (Canvas) and the course to find resources.

COL 104 - ALL sections - Study Skills

Study Skills - COL 104 - ALL SECTIONS

Instructor - varies

REQUIRED - A variety of current, online and free links are used in place of a traditional textbook.  Please login to ECC's Online Learning (Canvas) and the course to find resources.

COL 105 - ALL sections - Research and Information Literacy

Research and Information Literacy - COL 105 - ALL SECTIONS

Instructor - Morgan Spangler

REQUIRED - A variety of current, online and free links are used in place of a traditional textbook.  Please login to ECC's Online Learning (Canvas) and the course to find resources.

COL 201 - ALL sections - Career Exploration

Career Exploration - COL 201 - 10 ALL SECTIONS

Instructors - varies


COM 110 - ALL sections - Public Speaking

Public Speaking - COM 110 - 10 ALL SECTIONS

Instructors - varies


  1. Exploring Public Speaking by Barbara Tucker and Kris Barton online Ebook FREE


ENG 101 - ALL sections - English Comp 1

English Comp 1 - ENG 101 - ALL SECTIONS 

Instructor - varies


  1. Seagull Reader: Essays by Joseph Kelly, print only, purchase at ECC Bookstore
  2. Writing for Success 2015 edition, online Ebook FREE

Seagull Reader may be purchased at ECC Bookstore

ENG 145 - ALL sections - World Fiction

World Fiction - ENG 145 - ALL SECTIONS 

Instructor - varies


  1. One World: A global anthology of short stories by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, print only, purchase at ECC Bookstore
  2. Other Voices, Other Vistas: Short Stories from Africa, China, India, Japan, and Latin America by Barbara H. Solomon, print only, purchase at ECC Bookstore

ENG 241 - ALL sections - Creative Writing

Creative Writing - ENG 214 - ALL SECTIONS 

Instructor - varies


  1. The Making of a Story: A Norton Guide to Creative Writing by Alice LaPlante, print only, purchase at ECC Bookstore
  2. A Poetry Handbook by Barbara Oliver, print only, purchase at ECC Bookstore

GRYT 101- ALL - World Geography

World Geography  - GRY 101 - ALL Sections

Instructor - Aramburu, Ellen


  1. World Regional Geography by Caitlin Finlayson, online FREE or purchase at ECC Bookstore

MUS 101 - ALL sections - Music Appreciation

Music Appreciation - MUS 101 - ALL SECTIONS

Instructor - varies


  1. Understanding Music by N. Alan Clark; Thomas Heflin; Jeffrey Kluball; Elizabeth Kramer , online FREE or print, purchase at ECC Bookstore


PHL 101 - ALL - Introduction to Philosophy

Introduction to Philosophy - PHL 101 - ALL SECTIONS

Instructor - varies


  1. A New History of Western Philosophy by Anthony Kenny , online FREE via EBSCO ebooks login or print, purchase at ECC Bookstore,

PHL 203 - ALL - Ethics

Ethics - PHL 203 - ALL SECTIONS

Instructor - varies


  1. A New History of Western Philosophy by Anthony Kenny , online FREE via EBSCO ebooks login or print, purchase at ECC Bookstore,

REL 103 - ALL SECTIONS - World Religion

World Religions - REL 103 - ALL SECTIONS

Instructor - varies


  1. World Religions by LibreTexts, online Ebook FREE


SOC 101- ALL sections - General Sociology

General Sociology - SOC 101 - ALL SECTIONS

Instructor - varies


  1. Introduction to Sociology 3e by Jeff Bry, online FREE or print, purchase at ECC Bookstore


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Please double check with ECC Bookstore for your specific course and section.