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Affordable and Open Educational Resources (A&OER) - Students: Infographic Spring 2023

Course Libguides

Mythology Libguide Reactions

Students Reactions to the Mythology Libguide

“I really like how it includes links to free versions of classic books.”

“If there’s a certain myth I really enjoy or want to know more about, there’s a whole bunch of resources to help with that.”

“The links to the Greek artifacts at the St. Louis Art Museum Gallery are a neat addition.”

“I loved the gallery!...I found myself exploring the gallery for a while, fascinated by the culture and the mythology represented in the art. Words are one thing, but to see the culture as part of history is something else.”

“It puts all the resources you might need in one place instead of having to scour the internet for information.”

“I was also excited about the section with study guides. I wish I could have had something like that page for a bunch of my past courses. On the same page, it also had some study videos…for me, it is sometimes easier to follow along with a video, especially if I’m taking notes at the same time.”

“I also love the use of images and the fact that it’s not just a bunch of words that most kids would scroll past and not even bother reading.”

“I love the link to the art museum; I would like to do research over one of the pieces for my final or essay.”

“There really is so much on this page. There’s something for people who enjoy podcasts, videos and reading.”