Religion and Philosphy videos and clips are available online through Films on Demand.
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Philosophy Branches & Doctrines Ethics History of Philosophy Philosophy of Religion Social & Political Philosophy Survey: Philosophy |
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Documentaries in Religion are shelved with the books. Majority of these documentaries are in "B" call numbers.
Click on the link for complete list of DVDs on this topic.
You may also find some Religion related materials under the the documentary heading of County Studies.
Below is a selected listing of DVDs
Secular Ethics (03:08) from Films on Demand
From Title: His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Message of Peace and Compassion—U.K. Visit
After being awarded an Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University, His Holiness the Dalai Lama defines "secular." He explains that the decreasing role of religion in modern life has increased the importance of educational institutions in transmitting ethics.