After selecting EBSCOhost on "Find an Article" you will want to narrow down your options depending on the topic of your research.
It's like deciding what department of the store to shop in.
For many search topics, such as History, the best pick is Academic, Associates and Humanities.
There are also specialized departments, Business, Literary Reference, Biography, Nursing, ebooks, Teacher education and Science.
You can view the entire listing if you choose "Entire database" and there are even more options of Masterfile, Greenfile, etc.
If in doubt, Ask a Librarian.
Do NOT select ALL. This will slow down your search and the result list will be too large.
Enter Keyword search terms in the Basic Search box (Use Boolean operators to link) Options of full-text, scholarly and publication dates are also available, but not required.
Boolean Operators
AND - combines two or more words and the results will contain all the words
OR - broadens the search to include either keyword in the results; great for synonyms
NOT - narrows the search by excluding a keyword
Subject Headings or Specific Language
Look at various articles for specific keywords or subjects to create another search string. Many have these as clickable terms.
Certain symbols serve as "wildcards" in search terms
Asterick = wom*n = woman = women
Question mark = recycl? = recycling = recycle = recycled
Phrase searching
Use quotation marks around a phrase "exact terms in this order"
Advanced Search option
Narrow your results by scholarly, date, type, subject, publication, geography - options vary depending on database