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Databases, Articles, Images, Ebooks and more Online Resources: Databases: Articles, Images and more

This guide is about databases and other credible online resources at ECC Library. A list by subject, alphabetical or by type is included as well as tips and tutorial for certain databases such as EBSCO and Opposing Viewpoints.

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Subject Guide

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Lisa Farrell
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What is a Database?

Databases provide access to journals, newspapers, magazines, reference books, images, music, statistics, videos and more.  Majority of these resources are full-text.  These resources are typically more up to date than books.

Databases are credible resources available to ECC students 24/7 from any internet device.

Databases have been selected for the courses offered at ECC and for the education levels of Associate and Bachelor degree coursework.

With over 2 dozen databases to choose from, it can be confusing as to where to start.  Here are a few helpful tips:

  • Alphabetical list if you know the title of the database
  • Subject of research to narrow down your search to 5 options
  • Search Core Databases before Related Databases
  • Ask library staff for suggestions
  • Start at EBSCOhost Databases or Credo Reference for general research topics

Why a Database? I'll just Google it.

Open Firefox and do a Google search for "Texting and Driving"

Open EBSCOhost Databases (click above link), choose Academic Search Premier search for "Texting and Driving"



EBSCOhost - Academic Search Premier
19,000,000 results 232 results
Advertisements included No Advertisments
Must evaluate ALL websites (CRAAP test) Must consider if articles are relevant to topic
Images (maybe copyrighted) Limited images (can be used for coursework)
No personal assistance Librarian assistance chat box included
Wikipedia listed Articles or books
Sorted by ??? Sort options of date, relevancy, source
How to cite? Citation tool, just copy and paste


Results by EBSCO are limited to articles, include a citation tool option and are not cluttered with advertisements.  EBSCO is a better option for this type of research.