YES! You can access all of ECC Library's databases from home.
When you select a specific database (through the Library website) it will prompt you to enter your MyECC credentials.
If you need assistance please call 636 584-6560
Databases provide access to journals, newspapers, magazines, reference books, images, music, statistics, videos and more. Majority of these resources are full-text. These resources are typically more up to date than books.
Databases are credible resources available to ECC students 24/7 from any internet device.
Databases have been selected for the courses offered at ECC and for the education levels of Associate and Bachelor degree coursework.
With over 2 dozen databases to choose from, it can be confusing as to where to start. Here are a few helpful tips:
Open Firefox and do a Google search for "Texting and Driving"
Open EBSCOhost Databases (click above link), choose Academic Search Premier search for "Texting and Driving"
EBSCOhost - Academic Search Premier |
19,000,000 results | 232 results |
Advertisements included | No Advertisments |
Must evaluate ALL websites (CRAAP test) | Must consider if articles are relevant to topic |
Images (maybe copyrighted) | Limited images (can be used for coursework) |
No personal assistance | Librarian assistance chat box included |
Wikipedia listed | Articles or books |
Sorted by ??? | Sort options of date, relevancy, source |
How to cite? | Citation tool, just copy and paste |
Results by EBSCO are limited to articles, include a citation tool option and are not cluttered with advertisements. EBSCO is a better option for this type of research.