.COM - commercial
.EDU - education
.GOV - government
.ORG - organizations
.NET - network
Quick Exercise C.
Evaluate these site using CRAAP
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (.gov)
Information about almost any subject is easy to find; however, not all information is good information. An essential part of academic research and writing is learning how to critically analyze and evaluate sources to eliminate old, incorrect, or irrelevant information. The CRAAP Test (current, relevant, accurate, authority, purpose) is a guide for analyzing your research sources, including websites, articles and books. Here is a link to an accessible PDF of this information.
By scoring each category on a scale from 1 to 10 (1=worst, 10=best possible), you can give each site a grade on a 50 point scale.
45-50 Excellent
40-44 Good
35-39 Average
30-34 Borderline
Below 30-Unacceptable
Current: The timeliness of the information
Relevant: The importance of the information for your needs
Authority: The source of the information.
Accurate: The reliability, truthfulness and correctness of the content.
Purpose: The reason the information exists
This information has been adapted from "Evaluating Information-Applying the CRAAP Test" by the staff at Meriam Library, California State University-Chico. The source material can be accessed here.
"Evaluating Information-Applying the CRAAP Test." 17 Sept. 2010. Meriam Lib., California State University-Chico. CSU-Chico ReSEARCH Station. Web. 2 July 2013.